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    2020-09-09 15:54 梅州人事考试网 来源:梅州银行招聘网梅州华图在线咨询


      Why is Salt Bad for You?

      FRANK LE CLAIR, a 58-year-old provincial government employee living in Winnipeg, had no idea that his blood pressure was too high. While out of town last winter, he came down with a cold and a sore throat and decided to see a local doctor.

      Apart from checking his cold symptoms, the doctor also gave him a general health-check. The doctor found that Frank’s blood pressure was higher than normal and advised him to see his regular physician as soon as he got home.

      Le Clair’s physician referred him to the Winnipeg Health Science Centre, where dietitians told him that he might be able to control his blood pressure by changing his lifestyle rather than by taking drugs. People with high blood pressure have to control or eliminate four elements: smoking, drinking, food quantities and salt. Le Clair doesn’t smoke or drink, but there were some changes he could make in the other two categories.

      The most conslusive evidence so far that a high-salt diet is bad for you is the “Intersalt” study, involving 10,000 people in 32 countries. It measured the relationship between urinary sodium excretion—a direct measure of salt consumption—and blood pressure. The study found that populations with the lowest sodium excretion also have the lowest blood pressures.

      Recent studies have shown that “salt sensitivity” is a major factor in the relationship between a high-salt diet and hypertension. And hypertension is a risk factor for two of the biggest killers in this country: coronary heart disease and stroke. Frank Le Clair’s high blood pressure was discovered by chance. There are no warning synptoms—high blood pressure is known as the silent killer.

      A high-salt intake triggers a vicious cycle. Those who are used to a lot of salt in their food find they need increasing amounts to be able to continue to taste its flavor--- the more salt they eat, the more they want. It is also an aggravating factor in osteoporosis and is closely linked to stomach cancer. A high salt intake can be dangerous for people with conditions that are agggravated by fluid retention, such as hepatities, liver or kidney problems.

      1. While out of the town last winter, Frank Le Clair felt sick because he ( ).

      A. had a high blood pressure

      B. ate too much

      C. had a cold and a sore throat

      D. was sensitive to salt

      【答案】C。根据题干关键词While out of the town last winter定位至首段While out of the town last winter, he came down with a cold and sore throat and decided to see a local doctor.可知选项C:感冒和喉咙疼,正是他觉得生病的原因。选项A:有高血压,在文章初始并没有提到,错误;选项B:吃太多,文中没有提及;选项C:对盐过敏,文章开始并没有提到盐。故正确答案是选项C。

      2. Frank Le Clair was advised by ( ) to adjust his lifestyle.

      A. his family doctor

      B. a heart specialist

      C. research scientists

      D. a nutrition expert

      【答案】D。根据题干关键词adjust his lifestyle可以定位至第三段首句Le Clair’s physician referred him to the Winnipeg Health Science Centre, where dietitians told him that he might be able to control his blood pressure by changing his lifestyle rather than by taking drugs.可知是dietitian营养学家或膳食学家建议他调整生活方式,选项D的营养学家是同义替换。选项A:他的家庭医生,文章提到他的家庭医生推荐他去健康中心做检查,并没有建议他改变生活方式;选项B:心脏病专家,选项C:研究科学家,文中均未提到,错误。故正确答案是选项D。

      3. To reduce his high blood pressure, Frank Le Clair should ( ).

      A. give up cigarettes and alcohol

      B. reduce his food intake and salt consumption

      C. give up alcohol and reduce his salt consumption

      D. give up cigarettes and reduce his food intake

      【答案】B。根据题干关键词high blood pressure定位至第三段最后people with blood pressure have to control or eliminate four elements: smoking, drinking, food quantities and salt. Le Clair doesn’t smoke or drink, but there were some changes he could make in the other two categories.可知选项B:减少食物和盐的摄入量,正确。选项A:戒烟戒酒,文中主人公不抽烟不喝酒,错误;选项C:戒酒并减少盐摄入量,错误;选项D:戒烟并减少食物摄入,错误。正确答案是选项B。

      4. Recent research studies have shown that ( ).

      A. salt consumption leads to a stroke

      B. sodrium excreted in urine is a measure of salt intake

      C. an increase in blood pressure causes an increase in salt consumption

      D. the higher the sodium in urine, the greater the chance of hypertension

      【答案】B。根据题干关键词recent research可以定位至第四段…it measured the relationship between urinary sodium excretion—a direct measure of salt consumption—and blood pressure.可知选项B:尿液中盐排泄是测量盐摄入量的手段,正确。选项A:盐摄入会导致中风,根据stroke定位至第五段And hypertension is a risk factor for two of the biggest killers in this country: coronary heart disease and stroke.可知中风只是高血压会引起的疾病之一,并不是盐摄入会导致中风;选项C:高血压会引起盐摄入量增加,属于本末倒置,错误;选项D:尿液中钠排泄越多,高血压的几率越高,根据第四段末句…the lowest sodium excretion also have the lowest blood pressures.可知文中只是说尿液中钠排泄量最少,其血压也是最低,但是并不能推出选项D的内容。故正确答案是选项B。

      5. According to the passage, the major causes of death in Frank Le Clair’s country are ( ).

      A. hypertension and high blood pressure

      B. heart disease and stroke

      C. liver damage and kidney problems

      D. osteoporosis and stomach cancer.

      【答案】B。根据第五段…two of the biggest killers in this country: coronary heart disease and stroke.可知在这个国家引起死亡的两种疾病是冠心病和中风,故正确答案是选项B。选项A都是指高血压,根据文章可知高血压只是引起各种疾病的原因,而并非引起死亡的直接病症,错误;选项C:肝脏损害和肾问题,根据文章最后一段a high salt intake can be dangerous for people with conditions…, such as hepatities, liver or kidney problems.可知这些疾病只是举例说明大量的盐摄入会在这些疾病中对人们带来死亡威胁;选项D根据文中最后一段it is also an aggravating factor in osteoporosis and is closely linked to stomach cancer.可知胃癌和骨质疏松也只是高盐摄入量可能会引起的疾病。故正确答案是选项B。











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